Tic Tac Toe
This project started as a JavaScript exercise and a way to challenge myself to get better at coding / JS. But once I finished the base logic of Tic Tac Toe I had no one to play against so I decided to add a robot to play against.
Tic Tac Toe has 196839 (3^9) possible positions which might sound like a lot of ways to play the game. But for a computer, this number is quite low. It is quite easy to brute force your way through all the possible positions and calculate the best move from there.
But how?
Using the Minimax algorithm you can search through the entire game tree to look for the best possible move given a certain board position. Once a winning position is reached or all board squares are filled I evaluate the board and assign it a score. If the position is winning for the computer it gets a score of +1, if the position is winning for the human it gets a score of -1 and if the game is a draw it gets a score of 0. After having looked through all the possible positions it picks the move with the highest chance of winning.
Later I updated this project to include alpha-beta pruning. Once fully implemented this sped up the search for the best move by about 10 times, which is truly crazy. Alpha-beta pruning works by not having to examine game positions that are determined to be worse than a previously looked at move.